–> Find the RWR page at Songcast International here.
–> Buy RWR songs on iTunes here.
–> Buy RWR songs on Amazon here.
–> Buy RWR songs on Napster here.
–> Buy RWR products at Cafe Press here.
-> Listen to KABF 88.3 FM Radio Little Rock streaming live on iTunes at kabf.org - the only place to find the unlisted link. Click "Listen Live!" in the white box and open the live.m3u in iTunes!
• ORDER NOW - SHIPPING NOW! - The annual DEVO tribute CD, Not Necessarily Beautiful But Mutated Volume 7, produced by Subgenius Rev. Toth Wilder. Byron and Donavan (RURAL WAR ROOM, the world's first cyber band) are so excited to have two DEVO cover songs ("Auto-Modown" and "Mechanical Man" from Elevator Records 1978) featured on this album. RWR Records most insane artist, Johnny Future 7 also has two tracks on the disc. Other featured artists include Occupant, Humanoides, The Minordian, I Am You, PEVO, Margoo, GLOBO, The Transistors and the one-and-only Blowfly with the infamous track "Suck It (Extended Remix)" remixed especially for this CD by RWR's Donavan Suitt.
• N.N.B.B.M. Vol 7 is a limited pressing with artwork by Byron Werner on the disc itself and cover art by Krk Ryden. Never before has such an international group come together to record DEVO tribute songs, ranging from Japan to Italy and back to the US. A must have... before they are gone!
• To obtain more info on this CD, available for the bargain price of $15 USD postage paid through Paypal shipping NOW - CLICK THE KRK RYDEN POSTER BELOW (the Italian version by ErMan), LISTEN TO THE SAMPLE SONGS (and more from RWR) AND THEN SCROLL DOWN OUR MS PAGE FOR THE DEVO TRIBUTE CD PAYPAL CHECKOUT! WHEEE!
• Get the new RURAL WAR ROOM DVD Single shipping now. It features three insane visual experiments - both music videos from the debut album and the theme song "Rural War Room" TSF Remix Version (Rome, Italy) from the EP. This DVD is . Only $15 USD postage paid in the USA through paypal.
• Buy the RWR DVD here.
• Our newest venture, the label Rural War Room Records, is currently in production for numerous projects. We carry unusual artists who are more than committed to their vision... whether anyone understands it or not. On RWR Records, you will find what most call outsider artists and oddities found nowhere else.
• RWR Records is proud to announce the newly restored, complete recordings of Little Rock, Arkansas' finest musical transplant to Venice, CA, the one and only Elton and Betty White. Remastered from the original recordings (thanks to Jerry Colburn) the first CD release is slated for the fall. Hopefully this will finally give the loving couple, who so honestly sang about sex, the exposure they have so-long sought. It is a pity that it has taken so long for the world to have access to the couple's recordings. Though Betty is no longer with us, Elton deserves much more than the world has given him. It is time for him to get something back. This is a labor of love. Funds from this release go directly to Elton.
• Current RWR Records releases include the spud-approved, self-titled cult hit, Johnny Future; foul-mouthed holiday icon, Mr. Santa - Live and Studio!; and a ten-year retrospect from one of the nations oldest sketch troupes; the debut from Little Rock's own Red Octopus Theater - Assswell?
• RWR Records also looks forward to releasing lost artists like Little Rock's own Rayburn and the original shock-jock from the late-70s world of black radio, Chicago's own white guy-with-band, Bob Wall and the Wall-Notes. Also watch for debut releases from Jack Pardon, CC and the Fossiles, alongside the (again) politically incorrect fair of The UBAF and southern darling Tammy Loretta Judd. RWR Records will also be releasing The New World of Stainless Steel, and many lost recordings and ultra-obscure vinyl - burlesque humor, female impersonators, high-school bands, one-shot religious recordings and more - digitized for the very first time.
• Click here for cyber band RURAL WAR ROOM on iTunes.
• RRW is also proud to say that our brother channel on youtube, bizarremedia
who specializes in Arkansas videos, has gotten literally millions of hits in various places with a video from Little Rock news folk. The clip is 1 of 6 posted as "Roving Reporter Etiquette Lesson". The #6 video is destined for television soon. Just know that it is bizarremedia who found, digitized and now owns this clip in case there is any question... All of our best to the (unnamed) man in this clip - our hero. Many have tried to say racist things about this clip. These people are idiots. The reaction to the bug in the mouth is a break into character. He is a funny man... being funny - that's it. Shut up and get along people... This clip has been given over 50 cyber-awards already. It has also been seen on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Entertainment Tonight, and a subject on Howard Stern. Click here to see the clip
• Click here for cyber band RURAL WAR ROOM on Youtube.
• It is an honor to announce the newly uncovered original pressings of DEVO tribute treasures! Thanks to Rev Toth, Rural War Room Records is the only place to get these wonderful comps - and there ain't many....
• Not Necessarily Beautiful But Mutated Volume 5 and the equally brilliant N.N.B.B.M. Volume 6 are back! Never before available online, these are the past two releases of an annual collection of DEVO cover songs by artists all over the world. In most cases, these sell out in hours at the annual DEVOtional in Akron, Ohio. Lucky for us, there were a couple of boxes stashed away... for all of you that couldn't get them at the event - sorry!
• Spud gods have smiled down and made these gems available to YOU for only $15 USD each - postage paid. Funds go toward the next release, Vol 7. Don't miss these very limited (no kidding) edition original pressings. Ships now from Akron, Ohio.
• The first disc is the 2006 collection. Click the album cover to buy with Paypal. $15 each USD postage paid within the US. Contact us for overseas shipping.
• Not Necessarily Beautiful But Mutated Volume V
• Next, is last year's collection - equally cool. Click the play list to buy with Paypal. $15 USD postage paid within the US. Contact us for overseas shipping.
• Not Necessarily Beautiful But Mutated Volume VI
• Be sure to –> visit our home page
for all Rural War Room recording artists and releases. Also see details on the fall release of the next NNBBM Vol 7 with The Transistors (Rome), RURAL WAR ROOM (USA), PEVO (Japan) and many more great artists. Samples from this release are on our home page.
-> Visit DEVO on myspace here.